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Development Fund

게시판 -- 목록(갤러리)
Alumnus Yoo Hwi-seong donated 1 billion won, asking that it be u...
  • Writer : Communications Team
  • Hits : 2476
  • Date : 2020-12-23

Donation for cardiovascular disease research and overcoming the COVID-19 crisis

Korea University alumnus Yoo Hwi-seong donated 1 billion won to Korea University Medicine


유휘성 교우와 정진택 총장


Yoo Hwi-seong (’58, Department of Commercial Science), who is well known as the 'King of Donations' with contributions of over 5 billion won over the past 10 years, donated 1 billion won to Korea University Medicine (Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs and President & CEO of University Medical Affairs, Kim Young-hoon).
Korea University Medicine held a development fund donation ceremony on November 3 (Tue) at 11:30 am in the Main Hall of Korea University, attended by alumnus Yoo Hwi-seong (82 years old). Also in attendance were President Chung Jin Taek, Vice-Chancellor Kim Young-hoon, Vice President for Development and External Affairs Song Hyok-key, and Cheong Hee-Jin, Vice President for Medical Planning & Budget.
After the establishment of an architecture and civil engineering company in 1970, Yoo Hwi-seong overcame difficult conditions and became a self-made success. He has been generously supporting Korea University since 2011 with the wealth he accumulated throughout his life, in the belief that "Money is like a person's body temperature, so we must share it when warmth comes around." Following donations of 1 billion won in 2011 and another 1 billion won in 2015, in 2017 he donated an apartment in Jamwon-dong, where he spent a lifetime with his family and which had a market price at the time of 2.2 billion won. Based on Yoo Hwi-seong's wishes the most recent donation, which was made with a heart full of sincerity, will be used according to as a cardiovascular disease research fund and a medical development fund dedicated to the fight to overcome COVID-19.



유휘성 교우



At the donation ceremony, Yoo Hwi-seong said, “I have been thinking about donating not only to our school, which is where my heart resides, but also to the medical center, which has recently making tremendous progress and serves as a symbol of pride to our whole Korea University community. It is worthwhile to be able to contribute to the medical world in the difficult times caused by COVID-19, and I hope that the donation will be used productively for medical development and cardiovascular disease research."
In response, President Chung Jin Taek said, “I am even more grateful that our alumus, who had already provided incalculable help to the school, donated such a large amount for medical development. From the school’s standpoint, we were actively reviewing support plans to raise the stature of the medical center and the College of Medicine to a world-class level, and this display of loyalty from our alumnus will certainly push us towards achieving this goal.”
Vice-Chancellor Kim Young-hoon said, “I think the spirit of sharing shown by our alumnus is an invaluable gesture that cannot be quantified. In accordance with the priceless will of the donors, we will continue to realize the highest values and strive to become a top-ranked medical institution that implements Next Medicine.”



‘기부왕’ 유휘성 교우, 고려대의료원에 10억 쾌척


Development Fund 게시판 리스트